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知识经济:知识经济,通俗地说就是“以知识为基础的经济”,从内涵来看,知识经济是经济增长直接依赖于知识和信息的生产、传播和使用,它以高技术产业为第一产业支柱,以智力资源为首要依托,是可持续发展的经济。按照世界经合组织的说法,知识经济就是以现代科学技术为核心的,建立在知识和信息的生产、存储、使用和消费之上的经济。从历史发展来讲,它是区别于以前的以传统工业为产业支柱、以稀缺自然资源为主要依托经济的新型经济,它是相对于靠土地和种养殖业的农业经济和大量消耗能源和原材料的工业经济而产生的新的经济概念和经济形态。它的最大新质在于,它的繁荣不是直接取决于资源、资本、硬件技术的数量、规模和增量,而是直接以拉于知识,技术特别是高技术,以及有效信息的积累和利用。知识经济的出现,标志着人类社会正步入以知识资源为依托的新经济时代,在这个新时代,知识将成为最重要的经济因素,由此引发的经济革命将重塑全球经济的新格局,并将引起政治、社会的全面变革。网络经济:创造学术词汇是西方人的专长,也是网络在快速发展中的一个特征,分化必定带来内容的丰富和词汇的增多;网络经济“这个词汇最先见到的是约翰·弗劳尔(John·Flower)提出的Internet Economic一词,国内有人译为“网络经济”(准确地说,它应译为“互联网经济”),但是对网络经济的内涵,却没有多少人进行明确的阐述。而且许多人将“信息经济”、“数字化经济”、“注意力经济”、“计算机经济”和“网络经济”互用或借用,也有人甚至将它与“新经济”、“二十一世纪经济”等词汇联在一起。这些描述信息技术所带来的新型经济特点其实并不一样,但是新词爱好者们却不加区别地加以应用。究竟何谓网络经济?一种是可以定义为“基于网络的,以信息为特征的一种新型经济形态”;另一种可以定义为“基于网络技术发展而形成的一种经济潮流和经济形态,包括它对现有的多种经济理论、产业结构和国际经济等的种种影响,是信息社会的经济最集中、最概括的体现”。前者的定义是将网络经济定义在网络的范围之内;而后者是指网络包括对经济的种种影响。笔者认为,后者的定义更加准确而完整地把握了网络经济的种种特质和趋势。数字经济: 是指大部分基于数字技术,包括数字通信网络,计算机,软件和其他相关信息技术的经济。网络,就等同于数字经济吗?我们有一个模糊的概念,却缺少一个明确的说法。美国的商务部在1999年出版的数字经济报告中,明确地将数字经济定义为“信息技术与电子商务的结合”。信息技术是触发电子商务的重要关键,并将继续在电子商务的发展过程中,扮演基础建设的重要角色。而电子商务之所以能有今天的蓬勃发展,则直接根源于互联网的发明。希望你有所了解



Mr. Li Ka-shing

Mr. Li Ka-shing is the Chairman of Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited and Hutchison Whampoa Limited. Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited is the flagship of the Cheung Kong Group which has business in 56 countries around the world and employs around 240,000 staff. In Hong Kong alone, the Group includes eleven listed companies with a combined market of HK$827 billion. Hutchison Whampoa Limited is a Fortune Global 500 company.

Born in 1928 in Chiu Chow, a coastal city in the part of China, Mr. Li fled to Hong Kong with his family to avoid the perils of war. His father suffered from and passed away in Hong Kong. the of looking after the of the family, Mr. Li was forced to leave school before the age of 15 and found a job in a plastics trading company where he labored 16 hours a day. By 1950, his hard work, prudence and his pursuit of had enabled him to start his own company, Cheung Kong . From plastics, Mr. Li led and developed his company into a leading real estate company in Hong Kong that was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 1972. Cheung Kong continued to expand by acquiring Hutchison Whampoa and Hongkong Electric Holdings Limited in 1979 and 1985 .

Based in Hong Kong, the Cheung Kong Group's encompass such diverse areas as property and , real estate agency and estate , hotels, and e-commerce, finance and , retail, ports and related services, energy, projects and materials, media, and . Mr. Li is a strong believer in synergy—the power of combined efforts. This belief is reflected in his naming his company Cheung Kong Holdings after the Yangtze River that flows through China, a great river that countless streams and . The Times in the United Kingdom and Ernst & Young UK jointly named Mr. Li as the of the at the turn of the century.

Mr. Li believes that an equitable society can only be achieved if each and every is ready and willing to do his or her part. In 1980, Mr. Li set up a with a mission to nurture "a culture of giving" in our society. The Li Ka Shing focuses on a two-pronged approach: capacity through education, and the building of a caring society through medical and related projects. To date, the Li Ka Shing and other private by Mr. Li have supported numerous with grants, and of HK$8.3 billion.

Mr. Li also founded Shantou in 1981 in Shantou, China, to engineer reforms in China's education system. Shantou has nine colleges including a medical college with five hospitals. With students enrolling from all parts of China, the has 6,500 and 1,500 graduate students.

In of his efforts and his to society, Mr. Li has received Honorary from the of Cambridge, the of Calgary in Canada, Peking , and the of Hong Kong, among others. Mr. Li, a Justice of the Peace, has also received the Grand Officer of the Order Vasco Nunez de Balboa from Panama, The Commander in the Leopold Order from Belgium, Knight (Commander of the Order) of the British Empire, and the Grand Bauhinia Medal of Hong Kong. More recently, in January 2005, Mr. Li received the de la Lé d'Honneur from the French .

Mr. Li has two sons. The elder son, Victor, now serves as Managing Director and Deputy Chairman of Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited, Deputy Chairman of Hutchison Whampoa Limited, and Chairman of Cheung Kong Holdings Limited and CK Life Sciences (Holdings) Inc. Mr. Li's younger son, Richard, is Chairman of PCCW, one of Asia's leading and companies.





